Foot trouble? Then you should see a Specialist Podiatrist

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Services offered

Foot Surgery, Bunion Surgery, Claw/hammer toes, ingrown nails, wart removal, Orthotic therapy, Steroid injections, Diagnoses of your foot,ankle & leg pain, Medications.

Podiatric Surgeon

Dr Burke Hugo is a fellow of the Australian Association of Podiatric Surgeons and current Vice President. Learn more about commonly asked questions concerning how we can help your foot condition.

Specialist Care

If you have foot pain and wish to learn more about what services are offered then read below.  Podiatric Surgeons are the only Specialists who exclusively work on the foot & leg.

Services Provided

Bunion repair, morton’s neuroma’s, heel pain, deformed toes, ingrown nails, expert footwear advice. See below for more services.

Specialist Care

Only three health professions have recognised Specialist titles under Australian Law, A Podiatric Surgeon is one of these and is the only recognised specialty of Podiatry.

Podiatric Medicine

Dr Burke Hugo can provide full care of your feet and related structures, including surgery and prescribing of medications.

Prescription drugs

Few podiatrists have authority to prescribe the full list of drugs available to the profession. Dr Hugo has advanced training and endorsement to prescribe appropriate medications for your condition. Ask your podiatrist if they are able to prescribe.


Foot Surgery
Bunion Surgery
Ingrown nails 
Foot,Ankle & Leg Pain
Wart Removal
Steroid injections 
Foot orthotics
Prescription Medications
Burke Hugo Perth Foot Surgery
Foot Surgery

Bunion pain, claw toes, ganglions, neuromas, ingrown nails. If you are uninsured I may have an affordable option for you!  I can select hospitals that suit your budget without compromising health or outcomes. I also have an attached day surgery.

Burke Hugo Perth Orthotic Therapy
Orthotic Therapy

Modern 3D scanning equipment and expert design for foot orthoses. There are many different types of foot orthoses (inserts). The key is understanding your unique biomechanics.

Walk pain free. Seek help now.
